Added the ability to search invoice details from within the Transaction System.
Changed the Event Management Registration Export column selection to include additional fields added to a specific event.
Changed pages and emails to display any Client Management fields embedded into content, previously this was limited to a few fields.
Added ability to import a tab delimited text file into the Client Management database. The the profile exists it will be updated, otherwise it will be created.
Added the ability to create RSS feeds and publish them. Functions in a similar way to the document list feature.
Added the ability to add manual invoices into the transaction system. Only users with a profile will be able to pay online.
Added the ability to copy and move events in the Event Management System.
Changed the export routine to convert unicode single quotes to ascii single quotes to cater for limitations in Microsoft Excel.
Improved the accuracy of the Word HTML removal feature in the editor.
Changed the styles for tabular data in MoST Administration to allow the table heading to remain visible when the data is scrolled.
Changed the Ezine component to all all other ezines to be listed of the page and allow each one to be selected or deselected when subscribing and added a dialog window into the Editor Accessories menu to allow an unsubscribe link to be inserted into documents.
Added a dialog window into the Editor Accessories menu to allw any Client Mangement field to be inserted into a document.
Updated all components to remove all table layouts for design and substituted with DIV elements to comply to accessability and e-goverment standards.
Checked and updated all components against W3 standards from HTML 4.01 Transitional to XHTML 1.0 Strict.
Added validation into the management database component to checked that values are entered against select, radio and checkbox fields.
Changed the Insert URL dialog window and Event Management Details to display a locations dropdown list which populates the document dropdown list if the site contains over 1000 documents to improve performance with large sites.
Changed the treeview folder in the Explorer to populate sub folders on demand to improve performance with large sites.
Added a donation form that interfaces into a credit card processing facility to allow users to donate to specified causes.
Updated the transaction component to allow zero rated charges for donations and overseas purchases excluding events.
Added ability to export invoices out of the transaction system.
Added ability to move and rename sections and folders within the explorer interface.
Bug Fixes
Changed the export routine to write out each row to the CSV file at a time instead of creating the entire CSV export in memory as this was creating performance issues for the web server when large amounts of data was being exported.
There is a 100 link maximum on the check URL process for external links, so converted the links over the 100 link threshold back to normal URLs as these additional links were breaking.
Fixed a bug in the Demote to Folder routine where the demoted section name was being applied to documents that exist in the section instead of the parent section name being applied.