Updated the subscription form properties so you can choose what subscription types to use on a form, if no subscription type is selected then all will be used. The settings for subscription forms are now section specific instead of global.
Changed the Xero Interface to processes every 10 minutes instead of once a day.
Added a Minimum Attendees option to Event Management. All registrants will be wait listed until the minimum number of registrations have been reached. When the minimum number has been reached then an email notification is sent to the event coordinator.
Added Zero Rated option to Event Charges so events hosted overseas can be set to not charge for GST.
Renamed the Primary Event label in Event Details to Conference and removed the Sub Event dropdown list. Added Related Events list to Event Charges to cater for removal of Sub Event option; this provides greater flexibility as a sub event can now be assigned to multiple charges that are related to a conference event.
Added the ability for a user to be able to update their details without requiring to login by clicking a link in an email. The update details page must be located in a public area of the site and the link must contain a reference to a placeholder for the encrypted profile ID to be inserted.
Note: To safe guard profile data and prevent profile hijacking only the minimum essential data should be made available, DO NOT include Username, Email, Password or security questions in the form.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue identifying whether a subscription type had been selected prevent users from subscribing.
Fixes issues with the banner advertisement component resulting from browser updates.
Fixed with the Discussion Group settings where the Display Layout setting wasn't getting set when the dialog window was loaded.
Fixed an issue where if a directory didn't have define fields in search dropdown lists it would list all fields instead of the default directory fields.