
Email Forms

Manage Fields

'Manage Fields' allows you to create and manage each field found in a form. Forms are section specific, which means it is only possible to have one form per section. You will need to include Response options for closed-end questions or in scenarios where you require the respondent to select a specific response.

To create and manage fields in an email form:

1. Click the 'Accessories' menu item from the tool bar. A drop-down menu will appear.

2. Hover over 'Email Form' and click 'Manage Fields'.

3. Select ‘New Field’ button if you want to create a new field, or select an existing question/query field to edit it.

4. Enter text in the ‘Item’ field. This might be the question or query that appears in the form for respondent to respond to e.g. Name, Email Address, How did you find us? etc.

5. Select a response field ‘Type’ to set the format respondents will be required to respond in. Select from the following types:

Text: A single line text input area. Typically used when a short text response is required e.g. responding to queries like First Name, Last Name etc.

Text Area: A multi-line text input area. Typically used when a longer open-ended response is required e.g. responding to queries like Tell us about your experience, What is your perfect date? etc.

Dropdown List: A dropdown list where respondents can only select one option. Typically used for closed-ended questions or in scenarios where you require a specific response.

Radio Buttons: A range of circular buttons where a respondent can only select one option. Typically used for closed-ended questions or in scenarios where you require a specific response.

Check box: A range of square tick boxes where the respondent can select one or more response.

Email: A single line text input area that should be used when you’re requesting an email address.

File Upload: Allows respondents to upload a file. Supports all file types.

Recipient List: This field lets you provide the respondent with an option of who to send the completed form to. You will need to enter the list of email addresses in the 'Responses' textarea using the standard email address format e.g. “Joe Bloggs” <>

Heading: This option is not a response field. Instead it will appear as a heading, which you would typically place above another form item.

Label: This option is not a response field. Instead it will appear as text, which you would typically put above another form item in order to serve as a label or category. Similar to the heading, but appears as the ‘Normal’ font style rather than a ‘Heading’ style.

6. Enter responses in the 'Responses' text area for closed-end questions or in scenarios where you require the respondent to select from a specific range of responses. Typically this would be for field types such as Dropdown lists, Radio Buttons, Check Boxes and Recipient Lists.

7. Enter field 'Dimensions' - the first box defines width, the second box defines height. Field types that require dimension sets include Text, Text Area, Dropdown List, Email, File Upload and Recipient List Fields.

8. Enter 'Length' number if you are creating a Text, Text Area or Email field. Length refers to the maximum amount of characters that can be entered into a field.

9. Click ‘Required’ Check Box if the field is mandatory. Respondents will not be able to submit the form if a required field is left blank.

10. Use the arrows to move a field's position in the form.

11. Click 'Apply' to save changes.

Repeat the steps above to create a new field in your form.


To activate a form for the first time add and save text to Edit Email Form Page. Saving this page for the first time will activate the new form in the Documents dropdown list, allowing you to add its hyperlink to other Documents.

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