

Manage Settings

Manage your in-site settings in order to define which areas and items will be searched. The in-site search functionality has the ability to filter through all of your website content – including webpages (Documents), PDFs and Word documents.

In order to enable the search-ability of PDF and Word documents you will need to click the ‘Searchable’ Check Box when the files are uploaded, or via the file management screen for documents that have already been uploaded.

To set search settings:

1. Click the 'Accessories' menu item from the tool bar. A drop-down menu will appear.

2. Hover over 'Search' and then Click 'Settings' to open the dialog window (above image).

3. Select the Search Region to define the area of the site that will be searched. Choose from the following options:

Entire Site: Searches all sections and folders on the site.

Current Section Only: Searches through content in the current section that is selected on the folder tree on the left only.

Current and Sub Sections: Searches through content in the current section that is selected on the folder tree on the left, as well as all of the directories and sub-sections that reside in the section.

4. Select the order in which search results will appear with the 'Order By' drop-down list.

5. Select the 'Items per Page' number from the drop-down list to determine the number of results that appear on each page.

6.Select the 'Items per Search' number from the drop-down list to determine the maximum number of results.

7. Click the check boxes listed next to 'Show' to determine what properties and details display with each search result. What each check box means:

Date Created: clicking this option will display the date the document was created in search results.

Abstracts: clicking this option will display the document abstract in the search results.

Advanced Options: clicking this option will display an advanced option check box with the search field, which will allow site visitors to further refine their search query.

Date Modified: clicking this option will display the date the document was last modified in search results.

Size: clicking this option will display document size details in search results.

Only use Body Content for Abstracts: clicking this option will hide document abstracts in the search results.

8. Click 'Apply' to save.


If a webpage (Document) doesn't have a Description then it will not be searchable.

MoST Content Management V3.0.8886