
Editor - Table Menu

Insert a Table

Options found under the 'Table' menu are used specifically to add and alter a table. Tables should be used only to arrange tabular data (if information would make sense in a spreadsheet then it is likely to be tabular data).

If table cells are merged it will be difficult for an end-user to interpret the displayed data.

Steps to insert a new table:

  1. Select the 'Table' option from the menu bar at the top of the editor window. A drop down menu will appear.
  2. Click 'INSERT TABLE..' to open a dialog window that lets you alter table appearance (above image).
  3. Insert a 'Caption' and 'Summary' in provided text fields in order to explain the contents of a table - the caption will be the visible title of a table. Filling in these text fields are optional. 
  4. Select the desired number of columns (vertical lines).
  5. Select the desired number of rows (horizontal lines).
  6. Select desired cell padding. The cell padding is the space surrounding the text or object in a table cell.
  7. Select desired cell spacing. The cell spacing is the space between each cell.
  8. Select the table width from one of the following three options:
  • Content

The table cell will expand as you type.

  • Page Width

Automatically expands to the width of the page template.

  • Custom..

Adjustments are measured by percentage of available space. Ensure the customised measurement will fit inside the page template, otherwise it may alter page design.

  9. Select the table style from one of the following three options (table styles will automatically be set to 'Auto Format'. Select the 'Style' drop down option to customise border style, colour, width and background colour):

  • Auto Format

Applies styles set in the MoST guide.

  • Transparent

Adds an un-styled, transparent table.

  • Custom..

Option of customising border style, colour, width and/or background colour.

  10. Click 'OK to create table.


Consult website designer to confirm template size.

To preview all changes made select

To permanently save changes made select Save 

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