

Manage Folder Properties

Folder properties allows you to change the description for a folder as well as setup auto archiving settings.

Changing a Folder's Description

You can make your document easier to identify by using a clear and succinct description, descriptions are used for describing a folders contents within various MoST components.

To change a folder's description:

  1. From the folder tree on the left, select the folder that you want to change.
  2. Click the 'FOLDERS' menu item from the tool bar at the top of your MoST page. A drop-down menu will appear.
  3. Click 'PROPERTIES' to open the 'FOLDER PROPERTIES' dialog window (below image).
  4. Enter a new folder description in the 'Description' text field.
  5. Click 'OK' to save changes.
Note Your description will often appear as a title on your website, so it's important to enter text that site visitors will understand.

Auto-archiving Folder Content

Automatically archiving a folder's content allows you to set an expiry date for certain documents that exist in the folder. Setting an archive period will archive any documents that were created outside of the days set. For example, if the 'Archive Period' is set to 5 days then all documents created prior to the last 5 days will automatically be removed off of your website and into an archive sub-folder.

To set up an auto-archiving folder:

  1. From the folder tree on the left, select the folder that you want to change.
  2. Click 'FOLDERS' menu item from the tool bar at the top of your MoST page. A drop-down menu will appear.
  3. Click 'PROPERTIES' to open the 'FOLDER PROPERTIES' dialog window (below image).
  4. Enter the number of days that you want to retain documents within folder for by entering a number in the 'Archive Period' field. e.g. setting it to 5 days will mean that all documents created prior to the last 5 days will automatically archive.
  5. From the 'Archive Folder' drop-down menu, select the folder you want to apply auto-archiving to.
  6. Click 'OK' to save changes

All archived documents will save to automatically generated sub-folders based on the date that they were archived e.g. Sub-folder Name: January_2016 for documents that archived during that month

To disabled auto-archiving, simply set the 'Archive Period' to zero (0).

This feature is very useful for time specific documents such as news, press releases and blogs.

MoST Content Management V3.0.8886