Here you assign or deny user access to the various areas of MoST on a section by section basis.
You will need to assign permissions to any new user account created before the new user can access any MoST features (unless they have been made ‘Sys Admin’).
To assign or deny user permissions:
Administrator: An administrator can create, edit, and delete Documents, Folders and Sections. If applicable, they will also be able to administer all MoST components. Essentially, the administrator has full access to all features of your MoST package.
Editor: An editor can edit any Document. No other administrative access.
Author: An author can create new Documents and will only be able to edit Documents that they have created. No other administrative access.
Browser: The browser role should only be assigned to an anonymous internet user of the front end of the website. No MoST user account should be assigned the role of browser.
Customised roles can be created under the ‘Mange Permission Roles’ menu option.