

Import Subscribers

To import ezine subscribers you should first need a template spreadsheet for your data.

  1. Select the ezine section for which you wish to import subscribers (ezines are section specific so you can have more than one ezine subscription database).
  2. Go to 'Accessories > Ezine > Subscribed Users'.
  3. Click on 'Export'. This will email you a spreadsheet which you can use as a template with the correct column names and details.
  4. Update the exported spreadsheet and save it to your computer. Note: It is important to keep the same column headings as the exported template.

To import ezine subscribers, follow the steps below...

  1. Select the ezine section for which you wish to import subscribers
  2. Go to 'Accessories > Ezine > Subscribed Users'
  3. Click on 'Import' to import your new list.
  4. Click on 'Browse' and then navigate to the file containing the subscribers and click 'Open'
  5. Click 'OK'

Your import will be queued and you will receive a confirmation email when it is completed.


  1. The Domain and Section columns must be present and contain your site number and the section name they are being imported into (you can get this detail by exporting the data to use as a template)
  2. The column headings must not be changed in any way or the import will fail.
  3. The ‘HTML’ column is set to ‘True’ unless the person cannot view HTML emails in which case it should read ‘False’ so that they will be sent a text version of the ezine.
  4. The ‘Status’ column must contain an ‘S’ for subscribed users or ‘U’ for unsubscribed.
  5. Save the completed file as a Excel Workbook (.xlsx)
  6. Make sure you import it into the correct ezine section of your website.
MoST Content Management V3.0.8886