

Send Ezine


This page allows you to send an ezine to all those that are listed in the ezine database.

To send an ezine follow the steps below:

  1. Prepare a new MoST document with your ezine content.
  2. Name - This will appear as the sender, in the recipients email.
  3. Email - Enter the senders email address.
  4. Subject - The subject that will appear in the recipients email. If these are regular emails, keep naming consistent.
  5. Select the document prepared earlier in step one.
  6. If you require the ezine to go on a specific date, select the date from the calendar icon  and a time from the drop down box provided. If no date is entered, the email will be sent when send is selected. If you are setting a date, make sure you enter this at the very latest, the day before, as it goes out that morning.
  7. Preview the document to make sure the right one has been selected.
  8. Select send.
  9. The administrator will receive an email confirmation report.
MoST Content Management V3.0.8886