

Assign a Template

This screen allows for the assigning of templates to Sections.

To assign a template to a Section follow the steps below...

  1. Select the Section that you want to set the template for from the folder tree on the left.

  2. Click on the 'Design' menu item from the tool bar. A drop down menu will then appear.

  3. Click on the 'Assign Template' menu item to open the 'Assign Template' dialog window.

  4. From the 'Template' drop down list, select the Section containing the template you want to use.

  5. From the 'Stylesheet' drop down list, select the Section containing the stylesheet you want to use.

  6. If drop down menus are used select the menu styles.

  7. To preview the template click the Preview button, otherwise, click the "OK' button to save your selection.

MoST Content Management V3.0.8886