

Set the Style Guide

This screen allows for the styles to be set for Sections within your site provided you have the required permissions, and the MoST styles have not been disabled from the custom view.

To set the styles for the Section follow the steps below...

  1. Select the Section that you want to set the styles for from the folder tree on the left.

  2. Click on the 'Design' menu item from the tool bar. A drop down menu will then appear.

  3. Click on the 'Style Guide' menu item to open the 'Style Guide' dialog window.

  4. Select the category of style you want to change from the 'Category' dropdown list.

    • 'Body Styles' set the styles for the document's content
    • 'Link Styles' set the styles and behaviors for the links within the document's content
    • 'Heading Styles' set the styles for the six headings within the document's content
    • 'Table Styles' set the auto styles for tables within the document's content
    • 'Form Styles' set the styles for form elements such as text fields, dropdown lists, buttons etc
    • 'Other Styles' set various miscellaneous styles for items such as abstracts and document lists
    • 'Custom Styles' allow any other custom style to be entered in CSS format
  5. Make any changes to the selected style category.

  6. If you want to make changes to another category follow steps 4 thru 5, or click the 'Apply' button to save any changes.

For more information on Cascading Style Sheets, see the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)


Creating / Resizing Body Text

  • Open the 'Style Guide' from the 'Design Menu'
  • From the default category 'Body Styles' select a proportion measurement from the 'Type Size' drop down list, for example (medium)
  • Please note that once a proportional measurement is selected, then the line Height input box becomes a percentage
  • In the 'Line Height' enter a percentage amount for example (120)
  • Do not include the percentage symbol
  • If your font size does not change in the browser contact your integrator as there may be custom styles over-riding this feature

MoST Content Management V3.0.8886