

Delete a Document

Sometimes web pages and archived documents no longer need to be held on to and can be deleted.

Do not delete a document if you will need it in the future.

To delete a document:

  1. Select the document you want to delete by highlighting its name listed under the 'FILENAME' heading.

  2. Click 'DOCUMENTS' menu item from the tool bar at the top of your MoST page. A drop-down menu will appear.

  3. Click the 'DELETE' option to open the 'DELETE DOCUMENT' dialog window (above image).

  4. Note that if the document is linked to in other documents a warning display will appear with a list containing documents that will be affected by deleting it. Check these linked items before proceeding with the delete.

  5. To delete the document click 'Yes'.


Deleting a document that contains links to it will result in broken links.

Clicking 'No' will cancel action.

There is an 'Undelete' option in the 'Documents' menu. The amount of time before a document is permanently deleted is dependent on your web browser.

MoST Content Management V3.0.8886