

Demote a Section to a Folder

Demoting a section to a folder will remove all of the enhanced properties offered by a section such as user access restriction, databases, templates and style sheets that differ from other folders, email forms, event streams and other enhanced features.

To demote a section to a folder:

  1. From the folder tree on the left, select the section that you want to demote.
  2. Click 'SECTIONS' tab from the tool bar at the top of your MoST page. A drop-down menu will appear.
  3. Click 'DEMOTE TO FOLDER' to open the 'DEMOTE SECTION TO FOLDER' dialog window (above image).
  4. Click 'Yes' to demote to a folder

Demoting a section to a folder will delete all accessories and databases for the section as well as any applied styles and templates for the section. Proceed with caution.

MoST Content Management V3.0.8886