

Manage Section Properties

A section is similar to a folder but has additional properties such as setting templates and style guides, defining user access (permissions) or establishing sub sites within your current site by defining different domain names.

Steps to altering the properties of a section:

  1. From the folder tree on the left, select the section you want to set the properties for.
  2. Click on the 'SECTIONS' tab from the tool bar. A drop-down menu will appear.
  3. Click on the 'PROPERTIES' menu item to open the 'SECTION PROPERTIES' dialog window (above image).
  4. Select the appropriate document type from the 'Document Type' dropdown list, typically this will be HTML 5.0. This option is used for browser compatibility by informing a web browser of how the document should appear. Leave document type at the default setting if you are unsure.
  5. If the section is a sub site or your have multiple domain names then enter the appropriate domain name for the section, otherwise leave it blank. Make sure that the domain name has been setup for the website before adding it.
  6. Click the 'Startup Section' checkbox to make the section the home page for your site. This is useful if you have a distinctly different home page from the rest of the website reducing the need to create each sub folder as a section in order to change the template for pages inside of the site.
  7. If your website has an SSL certificate then check SSL so MoST will redirect to the secure version of your site when it is accessed in an unsecure way. Only check SSL if you have an SSL certificate and the certificate matches your domain name. You will also need to enable SSL for any sub sections.
  8. Click the 'Hidden' checkbox to hide the section from the site map, search results and to prevent search engines from indexing pages within the section, otherwise leave it unchecked. You can still access hidden sections via links in your website.
  9. To make changes to the 'Login Prompt Layout' use the rich-text editor provided. The login prompt layout needs to contain the 'Username' text field, 'Password' text field, and 'Login' button to function.
  10. Click the 'Apply' button to save any changes that you have made.

Note The 'Domain Name' text field can be used to enter an address that will direct to a section of the website. This action will require further adminstrative support.

If the 'LOGIN' prompt is deleted it will be recreated automatically when re-opened. The section must be password restricted to use the login prompt layout.

Single Sign-on (SSO)

MoST also supports single sign-on for Facebook and LinkedIn. To add single sign-on the first step is to create an application in Facebook and/or LinkedIn.

To create an application in Facebook following these steps...

  1. Login to Facebook
  2. Click on 'Manage Apps' link on the left.
  3. Click on 'Add a New App'.
  4. Enter a display name and contact email an click 'Create App ID'.
  5. Mouse over Facebook Login and click 'Setup'.
  6. Choose the 'Other' platform by clicking on it.
  7. Click on 'Settings' link located directly below Dashboard in the side menu.
  8. Click on the 'Show' button for App Secret, then copy and paste both the App ID and App Secret into and email and send to support for inclusion into you MoST setup. Be sure to mention what they are for.
  9. Click 'Add Platform' button, then website.
  10. Enter the full URL for your website and click 'Save Changes'.
  11. Click on 'App Review' link located in the side menu.
  12. Make your application public by toggling the 'No' button so it says 'Yes', select a relevant category and click the 'Confirm' button.
  13. Add a link into your login form to the the URL '/includes/login/facebook.ashx'.

To create an application in LinkedIn following these steps...

  1. Login into the LinkedIn Developer Network.
  2. Click on 'Create Application'.
  3. Complete all required fields and click the 'Submit' button, the authentication form will then be displayed.
  4. Copy and paste both the App ID and App Secret into an email and send to support for inclusion into your MoST setup. Be sure to mention what they are for.
  5. Tick 'r_emailaddress' under Default Application Permissions.
  6. Under OAuth2.0 add the URL to the MoST LinkedIn authenticator. Example:
  7. Click the 'Update' button.
  8. Add a link into your login form to the URL '/includes/login/linkedin.ashx'.

MoST Content Management V3.0.8886