
Product Management

Import Products

Import products into the database

Products can be bulk-imported from a tab delimited text file, Excel can be used to create this.

Not all column names will have to be entered, just the ones that you want for the import. However you must include a code column.

Ensure the ones you do have are in the appropriate order.

  1. Once you have prepared your file, click the Import button.
  2. Navigate to your file
  3. Click OK to import

Bulk update of existing products within the database

The Import function is used for this.

A tab-delimited file needs to be created containing the codes of the products you wish to update, along with the specific information that is wanting to be changed.

As with importing products, the file requires the column names, but only the columns where information is to be updated along with the corresponding product codes.



MoST Content Management V3.0.8886