
Product Management


The following settings can be defined for the product management system:

Send Low Stock Warnings

Low stock is when current stock is at 25% of total stock. If this box is checked, an email will be sent to the email address defined in the Edit Forms/Checkout Properties screen when ‘low stock’ is reached

If you would like this email to also go to other people, you will need to use mail filtering rules in your own email application (i.e. Outlook)

Send Out of Stock Warnings

If this box is checked, an email will be sent to the email address defined in the Edit Forms/Checkout Properties screen to notify

Send Stock Report Every

Defines when a stock report will be sent

Category Items per Page

Number of categories that will display per page

Product Items per Page

Number of products that will display per page

Show Out of Stock Items

Will flag items as out of stock in product list

The name can be edited for the following links:

  • In stock description
  • Out of stock description
  • Recommended description
  • Discount description

Image Dimensions 

The image dimensions are entered in PIXELS

The first box in each set is WIDTH and the second HEIGHT

For consistency we recommend all images be the same ratio for (example 3x4)

Thumbnail Dimensions 

This defines the size of any thumbnail images used

Alternative City Column

If purchaser has specified an alternative delivery address, then freight will be charged to the alternative address.

To save any changes you have made to the Product Settings, select the ‘Apply’.

MoST Content Management V3.0.8886