There are several components to pricing. Available, Recommended (RRP) and Freight Calculations.
Available is where you can define different pricing options for the product. You can restrict price by quantity and define different prices based of consumer types such as re-sellers, members or general public as well as discount periods.
To add a price enter a description for the price, the price for the product and the maximum quantity that can be purchased at that price. Quantities fall back to the next highest price when reached. Be sure that there is always an unlimited price available to fall back to. If a 0 (zero) is specified then it is assumed that there is no limit. Select a date range that the price is available from and to if required otherwise leave blank. Finally select the consumers that the price is available to. Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple consumers.
To remove a price, deselect all consumers for the charge and click Apply.
Note | A price can only be added once the product has been saved. |