Adding a document list lets you display a hyperlinked list to all or selected documents found under the selected folder.
Steps to insert a document list into a document:
Select the 'Insert' option from the menu bar at the top of the editor window. A drop-down menu will appear.
Select 'DOCUMENT LIST..' to open 'INSERT DOCUMENT LIST' dialog window (above image).
Select the appropriate folder from drop-down list (pages called default.aspx will not display in the list).
Select the order you would like folder items to appear in by altering the two available drop-down lists that follow 'Order By'.
Target window defines where a document list item will open when selected. Choose one of the following options:
Opens document link in another tab of the same browser (default).
Opens document link in another browser window.
7. Options available following 'Show' will define how list will appear. Check the tick box next to the desired option(s).
8. Select 'OK' to apply changes.
Inserted document list should look like this in editor window (list details will vary):
Inserted document list should look like this on your website (each list item will be hyperlinked):
Note |
'Date Created' and 'Date Modified' details can be changed under 'DOCUMENT' tab at the top of MoST page by selecting 'PUBLISHING' menu option. When 'Number of Documents' is set to All then paging will automatically occur when the number of documents in the list exceeds 10 documents. If the 'Number of Documents' is restricted to a fixed number then paging doesn't not occur. To preview all changes made select To permanently save changes made select |